Letter to John Gielgud (see response below)
South Pavilion
Wotten Underwood
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

December 31, 1997 (11:30 p.m.)

Dear Sir John Gielgud,

I have spent my life (--half as long as yours--) in the theatre, in various capacities. I cannot go so far as to suggest that people can see your influence in my acting or directing, but I assure you that you have been the inspiration for my work—and sometimes been the reason to go on with it at all—for many years indeed.

This month the acting students in my charge gave a recital at the end of our term. What follows here is the text of the opening remarks I made that nights, dedicating the recital to you. Perhaps you will not recognize yourself in what I’ve said, but I made my comments in a spirit of the deepest admiration and gratitude.

I thought perhaps you would like to know that, on another continetnt, you have played an enormous and inspirational role in the life of someone you've never known existed—surely one of many.

In humility and thanks,

Lissa Tyler Renaud
Letter from John Gielgud
January 12, 1998
Miss Tyler Renaud,

I was greatly pleased and touched to receive your charming letter and enclosure [the Actors’ Training Project’s Christmas Recital program]. It is indeed a pleasure to know that I am still remembered so warmly in the United States and now fairly well known all over many countries through my films and television, and I return your good wishes with grateful thanks.
Very Sincerely,

John Gielgud
© 2000 Lissa Tyler Renaud. All rights reserved.